Defense For High Stakes Sex Offense Allegations
Any allegation of a sex crime is something that you need to take seriously. Sex crimes are among the most serious and damaging criminal charges you face. Your future is in grave danger in these cases, and you deserve aggressive, dedicated defense.
At , attorney Thomas Kollin has defended clients all across Beavercreek in numerous criminal cases. He’s attentive to each of his clients, handling each case that comes to our firm himself. His 27 years of experience means he knows how to persevere under difficult circumstances. He will answer your questions about your prospects honestly and be with you until the end.
The Long-Term Complications For Sex Offender Registration
Aside from the possibility of prison time, the most impactful and personally difficult aspect of a sex crime conviction is inclusion on the sex offender registry. The registry can follow you from state to state and for long after you’ve served your sentence. In fact, different charges can lead to different registry tiers:
- Tier 3: The most serious crimes, including rape, sexual battery and child molestation. A person in Tier 2 must verify their information with the registry every 90 days for life.
- Tier 2: This includes such crimes as compelling prostitution, child endangerment, revenge porn and human trafficking. A person in tier 2 is required to verify their info every 180 days for 25 years or 20 years if they are convicted as a juvenile.
- Tier 1: Includes crimes such as statutory rape, stalking and promoting prostitution. A person in Tier 1 must verify their information every year for 15 years or 10 years if they are a juvenile.
Being at any tier in the registry shows up in background checks and makes finding work or housing very complicated. You will also have to be very careful about where you choose to live.
That’s why you need a defense attorney who will fight to defend your name, your rights and your freedom.
A Free Consultation With An Honest Attorney
The last thing you need when you face a sex crime allegation is misleading or incorrect information. We promise to provide you with accurate information about your charges and guidance on your next steps. It’s okay to be worried about what’s ahead. But no matter what, we will fight for your rights. Call 937-949-5732 or send an email using this form.